Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day 4: Sole Trader

Today has been a long day...having left the house at 6.15 for work...kinda results in a lack of creativity...glad it's not like that every day! Back to the office tomorrow!

However I have registered as a sole trader today with HM Revenues & Customs as a freelance illustrator. It was gratifyingly easy to do...I guess they should make it easy...they want our money more than ever I suppose! I am suspecting that keeping track of my accounts might be the tricky part in relation to this!!! Admin has never been a strong point...confirmed by the 6 inches of paperwork that is currently waiting to be filed.

I have also heard back from Ponoko in realtion to changing the thickness of material for laser cutting...yes they can do it but only in a clear acrylic...humph...not the answer that I was hoping for...I will persist!

Something properly creative for tomorrow!

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